Sunday, June 23, 2019


Life in itself is one way travel. Parenthood is one such big mile stone in ones life and it's truly a blessing in this generation more than ever. The journey of parenthood starts with the moment the pregnancy test is positive which many of us dont accknowledge. Every cell, every tissue forming in the womb is guided by lot of factors which includes, diet, habits and many other environmental factors. The backbone of a childs life is the design of parents life structure.. Parenthood brings in lot of changes in ones life.. Its a great leap from carefree fun-filled life to more responsible, futuristic mindset. Every child teaches us what our parents tried and failed to teach us.. Every child reflects us like life size mirror; sometimes brings us joy and happiness and sometimes gives us realisation about ourselves. All parents want best for our kids, best food habits, best scorer, best looks, etc,. basically perfect child.. Unfortunately we forget that they are our outcome. We are not perfect, how will our outcome be perfect! So if we parents dont bring life style changes for good, there is very less probability child will learn on their own. Many a times we have our own drawbacks and hide from the child not knowing that child can notice more than what we think they can. Dont u think we all have at least some vivid memories of our childhood and all of us as a kid have observed a lot about adults. Though we could not fugure out the exact judgements, we remember the scenarios for sure. However when we become parents, we forget kids observe, and that they dont verbalise everything, but they observe!
Let us be good parents not by buying everything they demand but instilling the value of worth, the value of money.
Let us be good parents by becoming good and wise persons and not by becoming a jealous cunning person.
Let us be good parents by setting our own goals rather comparing our child with other child!
Let us be good parents by NOT fulfilling all the wishes of child, that way child will learn the difference between wish and need. Let the child understand that its not parents duty to fulfill all his dreams, he/she has to put some effort for his own dreams!
Let us be open to learning continuously, so that child knows degree (of qualifications) and learning are not same!
Let us be good parents by becoming good children to our parents, so that our child learns how to treat his/her parents!
Let us be good parents by having a honest relationship with each other so that child learns the value of honesty in a relationship!
Let us be good parents by having some empathy, so that child learns to see others pain!
Let us be good parents by taking care of ourselves so that child learns to take care of themselves!
Let us be good parents to our kids not because we are doing them a big favor but because it's our duty to be!
Lets try to modify our lives for the better future of world! because ONCE A PARENT ALWAYS A PARENT!


  1. Nice and well said shalu����

  2. Engrossing also worthwhile of statements dear..wish u all the very best to do more posts which can make parents to be parents always!!!

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